
Thursday May 28, 2015
Episode 100 - Bistro 67
Thursday May 28, 2015
Thursday May 28, 2015
Sheila's alma mater is doing food education right with Bistro 67, a teaching restaurant that is putting food from the field first and foremost.

Monday May 18, 2015
Monday May 18, 2015
Featured Subjects:
- Pompeii Pizza (905-576-0415; 75 Celina St, Oshawa, ON)
- Alton Brown Live
- El Caballito Taquila y Tacos (416-628-9838; 220 King St W, Toronto, ON)
- Durham Craft Beer Festival July 11th 2015
- Zwei Fat Chicks Facebook Page
- Old Flame (Port Perry)
- County Durham Brewing Company (Pickering)
- Practically Irish (Pickering)
- 5 Paddles (Whitby)
- Brock St. Brewery (Whitby)
- Underdog's Brewhouse (Oshawa)
- Manantler (Bowmanville)
- Publican House Brewery (Peterborough)
- Smithworks Brewing Company (Peterborough) - not mentioned in the podcast, but an awesome place!!

Wednesday May 06, 2015
Niagara Food & Wine 2015
Wednesday May 06, 2015
Wednesday May 06, 2015
- Copacabana Niagara Falls -http://www.thecopa.ca/
- D&D Meats -http://d-dmeats.com/
- Ivy Bar & Kitchen -http://ivybar.ca/
- McLean's Outdoor - the place where Sheila gets cheese boards! -http://www.macleansoutdoor.com/
- Mountain Oak Cheeses -http://mountainoakcheese.com/index.php
- The Pie Guyz -http://www.thepieguyz.com/
- Niagara College Teaching Winery -http://www.niagaracollegewine.ca/
- Beau's All natural Brewing -http://beaus.ca/
- Brick Brewing Company (Waterloo) -http://www.brickbeer.com/
- DeliriumTremens -http://www.delirium.be/en
- Double Trouble Brewing Company -http://doubletroublebrewing.com/
- Flying Monkeys -http://www.theflyingmonkeys.ca/
- Railway City -http://www.railwaycitybrewing.com/
- Ironwood Cider -http://www.sunnybrookwine.com/ironwood-hard-cider/
- Niagara College Teaching Brewery -http://www.firstdraft.ca/content/
- Nickel Brook Brewery -http://www.nickelbrook.com/
- Old Tomorrrow Brewery -http://www.oldtomorrow.com/
- Lake of Bays -http://www.lakeofbaysbrewing.ca/
- Muskoka Lakes Cranberry Wine -http://www.cranberry.ca/Winery/home.html
- The incredible edible stinging nettle -http://www.ediblewildfood.com/stinging-nettle.aspx;http://www.wildwoodsurvival.com/survival/food/edibleplants/nettle/
- Black Creek Historic Brewery -http://www.blackcreekbrewery.ca
- Untappd -https://untappd.com/
- Ratatouille -http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382932/
- History of Wax Museums -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wax_museum
- Taco N' Tequila -http://www.tacontequila.com/
- Buzz Beer -http://www.coolbeer.com/beer-buzz.php
- Rock Legends Wax Museum -http://www.niagarafallstourism.com/play/attractions/rock-legends-wax-museum

Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
We apologize for our long absence - things are finally starting to settle down for us, so hopefully we'll be able to go back to at least a monthly show schedule.

Friday May 10, 2013
Ep 96 - Amsterdam Brewing Tour and Five Paddles News
Friday May 10, 2013
Friday May 10, 2013
- Amsterdam Brewery (45 Esandar Drive, Toronto ON, (416)504-6882)- http://amsterdambeer.com/
- International Bittering Units (IBU) Chart - http://islandbeerclub.com/ibuchart.htm
- Five Paddles (10 Sunray Street, Unit #22, Whitby ON, (905) 665-3042)- http://5paddlesbrewing.com/

Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Ep 95 - Potpourii Inifinity
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Update: Since we recorded this episode back in January, Bellwoods Brewery has added a kitchen. Make sure and add them on facebook and follow them on twitter to keep on the latest news! Stuttering John's also has a new menu, check it out! - http://www.stutteringjohns.com/ (19 Simcoe Street S, Oshawa ON) Links:
- Lower Ossington Theatre - http://lowerossingtontheatre.com/
- Bellwoods Brewery (124 Ossington, Toronto ON) - http://bellwoodsbrewery.com/
- Forty Creek Copper Pot - http://www.fortycreekwhisky.com/Product%20pages/copper_pot.html
- Forty Creek Cream - http://www.fortycreekwhisky.com/Product%20pages/whisky_cream.html
- Keurig - http://www.keurig.ca/
- Markol - Keurig/Tassimo Vendor (1170 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa ON) - http://markcol.com/

Friday Feb 08, 2013
Ep 94 - Beer Makes History Better & Gourmet Food and Wine Expo 2012
Friday Feb 08, 2013
Friday Feb 08, 2013
Sorry this episode came so late after the actual events, but better late then never, right? ;)
- Toronto Urban Adventures - http://www.torontourbanadventures.com/
- C'est What? (67 Front St E, Toronto ON)- http://www.cestwhat.ca/
- Betty's (240 King Street East, Toronto ON) - http://www.bettysonking.com/
- Mill Street (21 Tank House Lane [originally 55 Mill Street, Building 63], Toronto ON) - http://www.millstreetbrewery.com/
- Carmenere Chilean Wine and The Lost Grape of Bordeaux - http://www.slate.com/articles/life/drink/2010/12/the_lost_grape_of_bordeaux.html
- Olive It! (20 Broadleaf Avenue, Whitby ON) - http://tastingoliveit.ca or http://olivethat.ca/

Monday Sep 10, 2012
Ep 93 - The Table
Monday Sep 10, 2012
Monday Sep 10, 2012
Oshawa's got a new restaurant downtown to scratch that vegetarian and communal itch, without leaving carnivores in the cold! Check out The Table on the web (http://thetablebycarol.ca/), twitter, facebook and most importantly in person: 20 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, ON L1H 4G2. Here's our review of the restaurant that talks that talk and walks the walk.

Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Ep 92 - Kampai Sake Festival 2012 and Podcast Irregular Status
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Hey Listeners, sorry we've been absent most of the summer but we've had a hectic couple of months! Sheila's now working a job opposite to Tracy's hours and we haven't had time to actually eat together. The good news is we're not going anywhere, just playing catch as catch can. Please enjoy our episode covering the first ever Kampai Sake Festival and a little bit more of an explanation as to where the podcast is going.

Monday May 14, 2012
Rerun - Mongolian Hot Pot
Monday May 14, 2012
Monday May 14, 2012
We're still doing research on a couple of great places and Tracy's in the middle of a book, so please enjoy part 2 of our Asian Double Feature!